Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Asylum Seeker: 2012 - Supernova

WARNING: This review is (for now) reviewable in Mozilla Firefox and other browsers because something's up with it on Internet Explorer and I try to fix it (if you read the previous review, You've been wondering why I'm relocated this site in a couple of weeks time).

Before I start, I was gonna do an review of "Transmorphers: The Fall Of Man" but it somehow became an okay movie despite being an prequel to an very bad movie. Well, I do like the first half because of Bruce Boxleiter's acting while the second half... it is the usual prelude to an bad movie and is nothing interesting (it even has an ancestor to one of the first film's characters). So instead, I find an different Asylum movie that may make me angry than the last time and found an mockbuster... sort of!

The subtitle to the movie should be known as "The Fall Of Men" or "The Fall Of Mankind" because it can't be an alien invasion mockbuster if it involves the "fall" of one single bloke.

You see, I'm taking on the second movie made by The Asylum to involve the "2012 Phenomenon" and obviously an cash-in against Roland Emmerich's blockbuster. The first is released earlier and is known as "2012: Doomsday" but I will get to that soon so now I'm taking on a different piece of shit. I'm still not sure which one is the mockbuster and which one isn't anymore because there are two movies with "2012" stamped on it. They completely non-canonical to each other in terms of events and I don't know if The Asylum will make an movie called "2012: [Add An Subtitle]" but hey, that's Asylum for you.

Oh shit, I forgot about the fact that Titanic II also sets in the year 2012 but at least it doesn't have an apocalyptic scenario in this movie (Plus I’m reviewing this movie and not the novel so stay tuned).

The movie revolves Kelvin (Brian Klause, in an bad movie other than "Stephen King's Sleepwalker") whose mission is to save earth from some supernova shockwaves (or something like that). As for Tina (Najarra Townsend) and Laura (Heather McComb) whom after surviving an earthquake that killed two NASA agents (with an gun) that they must take an hideout to a bomb shelter. However, There's earthquakes, cyclones, superstorms and anything else on the way. First of all, The supernova that occurs in the movie is from the Lyra Constellation happening 200 years prior to the story (and the events referred to this movie occurs "Today" instead of 2012 for unknown reason). Second, The NASA somehow became an amalgamation of an usual space headquarters and a place full of agents with the guns. Since when does NASA became an federal agency? It's like saying “NCIS is the show with Lawrence Fishburne while CSI has that DiNizzo guy as the main character”.

An screenshot from “2012: Supernova” and several other Asylum movies that uses the same stock footage over and over and…

This movie is really that stupid and it has everything you should expect - from Terrorist saboteurs to stock footage from another Asylum movie (it has an scene of meteor showers over an city, does any of it sound familiar?) and an racial-insensitive Russian character Dzerzhinsky (played by an "Alan Poe" in his movie debut). Even there's an masked saboteur in fighting scenes with Kelvin and it's obviously an female because the later scene has the same saboteur unmasked and working for Kelvin meaning it's making us viewers dumb. I'm not really gonna say this is the worst Asylum mockbuster I've seen and I do wanna watch it for curiosity's sake. It's just an average asylum mockbuster with all Hollywood science, hammy acting and the average special effects. I would say it's recommended but if anything, it's just like few other Asylum movies and it's just my own opinion anyway so make your choice to see it or not.

I could pitch the Asylum for an "NASA: Houston" pilot starring Kevin Bacon as an federal agent with few other Asylum players but after seeing this, there's no need for an televised mockbuster series.

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